Not My Day

Guys have you ever had one of those days? You know the kind where you are just hard to get along with? The kind where the wife keeps asking you “What’s wrong? You seem miserable.” Even the kids notice that you are a bit off. Well that has been my day today! Don’t know why? No problems with the wife, kids or job. Slept like a champ last night. Georgia Tech even played and won today!

So, what am I supposed to do?
1. Stay away from power tools!
2. Don’t take myself or others too seriously.
3. Take a moment or seven to just rearrange priorities.
4. Accept the fact that I am human and not God that can control every situation that happens around me.
5. Just suck it up and get over being bummed out.
You know what guys, your day has a lot to do with your attitude! I have been posting things like this lately just to let you know that at times we all have rough days. When those days come around try to not take it out on the ones around you and those you love. If you want the real order of what you are supposed to do, try this:
1. Pray for a better attitude.
2. Make yourself get over it.
3. Get a plan.
4. Give all those in your family close by a big hug.
5. Go play with power tools! What guy does not get happy playing with power tools?

Be good guys and let God be great!

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