Category: Parenting

Is This Where We Are Going?

Monday. Late-morning. Hotter than hot. Not even 24 hours home from vacation, and I was going through the piles of mail. There was a knock at the door, which was weird because no one ever knocks on our door unless it’s the UPS guy, and he doesn’t come until dinner time. Corralling the crazy barky dog, I looked out the front door window and saw a woman I did not know — and my six-year-old.

Who are you living with?

Who are you living with?

Are you coming home to work or to exist? Many of us are living with our 8 to 5 jobs and not with our “after hours” job that we have been called to first! So I ask again, “Who are you living with?” Are you proud to be the man who is climbing the corporate ladder or

What Happened to Modesty?

When has be become acceptable to only wear bra and panties when you are going to the pool, lake, river, or ocean; however, you have to put on more clothes to go into a place of business? I am not saying that a lady should not be proud of the way she looks.

When Is It Enough?

When is enough

When it comes to teaching your children, when is it enough? They are not like a recipe that you can have exact quantities to measure out. They are not something that you can sample along the way like adding to much or to little salt. They have no gauge that is built in that shows your level of input and an absorption rate. So, when is it enough?

How To Train Your Kid!

How To Train Your Kids

There are times when your kids will start asking questions. They turn into rapid fire machines it would seem and are able to ask questions faster than you can answer. They will start humming or making noises that will somehow find just the right wavelength to become the most irritating noise in the world.

Time Keeps on Slipping

Time Keeps on Slipping

“When I get the time son…” or “Let’s go guys…I don’t have a lot of time…” or “I got a time schedule going here, let’s move it…” Are these the phrases that your kids hear from you? Dad are the kids constantly fighting for your time, are you are fighting for your time and your wife is fighting for your time? We fight and struggle to get it all done and only leave a few seconds of time for God. Let’s talk about time.

The Next Generation ~ Part 2 of 2

The Next Generation

One generation will declare Your works to the next
and will proclaim Your mighty acts.
Psalms 145:4 HCSB

This past Sunday I had the privilege of being able to step into the pulpit of my home church during the 11:00 service and deliver a message that God has laid upon my heart for a long time now. I was talking about “The Next Generation”. Those who will follow after us, are watching us and are trusting us to do what is right.

I had to break the sermon into two parts due to the length of the podcast. Part one is available and should be listened to first.

If you want to watch the message in its entirety, click on the link.

Dad, Know Your Power

Dad, Know Your Power!

So when he attempted something and he did not see it doing any good, he quit. He did not see that the responsibility he was given was important and how it effected everything else that was being done at that time. This in turn made others who were performing there task in a responsible manner look down on him and his self-esteem plummeted.