Sometimes even though we diligently pray for our children, we still face rebellion, disrespect, and disappointments. In the midst of these struggles, an unspoken voice may whisper, “Is Christ really enough?”

In response, we may try to control the situation and “fix” the problem. But in our frenzy of activity, we forget that bearing fruit through abiding in Christ doesn’t mean an absence of struggles. Ironically, the very struggles we try so desperately to avoid are often his process for producing fruit, not only in our kids, but in our lives as well.

It takes courage for parents, especially in tough times, to trust that Christ is enough. But your situation is not a surprise to Him. Trusting Christ’s sufficiency isn’t a one-time event, but a daily journey. It requires us to invite Him into our pain and confusion and acknowledge our limited perspective.

Step out in faith in tough times and trust that Christ is in control.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in Me and I in him produces much fruit, because you can do nothing without Me. (John 15:5 HCSB)

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