The Family Conference

This month I will be speaking at The Family Conference!

All of us can benefit from taking a little extra time during this busy season of the year to invest in the relationships and functions that mean the most to all of us.

Homeschooling impacts every relationship in a home. And, with the Holidays, and the busy-ness that comes with them upon us, we are offering our Homeschool Family Virtual Summit now to help you get ready.

Overwhelmingly homeschoolers we have asked have told us that one of their largest struggles is the balance of relationships in their homes. One moment you are a parent, the next a wife or husband, then a teacher. Not to mention, your time with your family is multiplied which is good, but it also can stress any weak points in the relationships.

The Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Family Virtual Summit aims to help you strengthen the relationships in your home.

Enjoy more than 30 workshops specifically designed to help you focus on your marriage, parenting, family worship, supporting your family by working at home, dealing with special needs or circumstances, etc.

Here is what you get:

  • Workshops going LIVE the week of November 8th.
  • More than 20 Speakers
  • More than 30 Different Workshops
  • Lifetime Access
  • Swag Bags for All Who Register

Invest in your most important relationships and put a little extra focus on your family, as you pursue your calling to the best of your ability by joining us for the Online Family Conference!

To join us, just click on the link here. The cost for the event is $19 for everything listed above! Hope to see you there at The Family Conference!

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