Over…Did You Say Over? Homeschooling is Never Over!

Well as the 2013 Teach Them Diligently Conference comes to an end, I find myself rather enlightened, more knowledgable and very tired!  After two and a quarter days of listening, watching, taking notes, looking at vendors products and squeezing through crowds of other homeschooling people, I find myself glad that I came. The facility was…

Video Gaming Husbands

1 Corinthians 13:11 When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put aside childish things. Video Gaming Husbands Husbands, now here is something that is near and dear to my heart. Last year at the 2012 Teach…

Dad’s Leadership in the Home

Husbands, do you know what you are called out to do for your family? Lead it! As I sat in the Men’s Breakfast this morning at the Teach Them Diligently Conference and listened to Tom Blackaby he brought up many things on how we, the husbands, should lead. His main point was, “Do you want…

Geocaching and A Godly Woman

After a wonderful night’s sleep at the Ho-Jo we all awoke in preparation for a continental breakfast. Mind you, this is not what this husband is used to! I guess that I have become spoiled with the wonderfully delicious food that my wife makes. I am talking about a woman who grinds her own flour…

Well here we go!

Here we are again. Mom (the dear wife) and I have returned back to Spartanburg, South Carolina for another outstanding Teach Them Diligently conference. Last year mom talked me into making the trip here to see what it was all about. Upon leaving the conference I had a new outlook on homeschooling and an even…