Welcome to the Outstanding 2021 TTD Nashville Convention!!

The Invite

Ladies and Gents,

I want to take a moment and invite you to Nashville to one of the greatest homeschooling events in the Southeast! On March 18th, 19th, and 20th some of the best speakers on homeschooling, parenting, scheduling, faith, and many other topics will be coming together at the Teach Them Diligently Convention. I would love to see as many of you there as possible, but you have got to get registered if you are coming. Click on this link to get registered ASAP.

The Excuse

You are most likely think something along the lines of “Steve, I have heard that it can be expensive to go the a convention. There is the cost of food, registration, rooms, and what am I going to do with my 17 kids?” Ok, I can’t help with the registration, room, or food. (However, my wife has brought crock pots with a cooler full of food to many a convention.) But there is a program, an outstanding program for the kids that will entertain and teach all at the same time.

Or maybe you’re thinking, “Steve, I don’t have time to go all the way to Nashville! I have meal preps to be done and papers to grade. But it would be awesome if I could still be part of this amazing event.” Now here is where I can give some help, because there is an option for that!

They will be live-streaming some of the event and you can get that if you want to be part. Again, it takes you getting registered.
Here is the schedule for the actual event and this is the schedule for the live-streaming part.

The Truth

I have been part of the speaking part of the TTD group for about 5 years now. I have been to one every year since the beginning and still learn so much from so many great people. I have left session crying, laughing, mad at the speaker, and even in prayer to be better than I was went I went in. All the resources that you will find in the exhibition hall can be overwhelming, but also eases your fears by being able to look at the curriculum, see science experiments, and talk to the authors before you are buying it.

The time that you spend at the event will let you see that you are not alone, you hear that you are not the only one screaming into a pillow, and you leave with a bit of reassurance that it will be alright. But you got to attend in some way to get what I am talking about! So what are you waiting for?? REGISTER HERE and be part of the 2021 Teach Them Diligently Convention in Nashville.

Till next time, I’m just a husband of a homeschooling mom,

Steve Blackston

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